Wilson Lumber Cares

Wilson Lumber Cares is how Wilson Lumber gives back, utilizing company resources to care for our employees, our community and our world. The team is made up of Wilson Lumber employees who meet regularly to plan how to achieve these goals.
Employee Care
Caring For Each Other
Every Wilson Lumber employee has the opportunity for regular visits with a corporate chaplain thanks to our partnership with Corporate Chaplains of America. Our employees are our No. 1 priority. We are more than a place of employment. We are a family-owned business who treats employees like family. When a member of our family hurts, we hurt with them, and when a member of our family celebrates, we celebrate too!

Community Care
Our 2022 Community Partners: Next Step Farms & Romans 8:28
We love the communities where we do business, and our desire is to give back a portion of what we’ve been blessed with. Each year, Wilson Lumber Cares chooses a local organization with which to partner to support needs in our community. Our 2022 partner in North Alabama is Next Step Farms, and our partner in Tennessee is Romans 8:28. Recent partnerships have included the Downtown Rescue Mission, Lincoln Village and Kids to Love.
Global Care
Our Village in El Potrerillo, Guatemala
In 2019, Wilson Lumber Cares expanded its reach to include global missions by partnering with Mission Firefly to adopt a village in Guatemala. Mission Firefly is a local organization that connects villages in Guatemala with businesses and organizations that can help supply clean water, clothing, shelter, education and more.
Through Mission Firefly, Wilson Lumber adopted the small village of El Potrerillo, about 45 miles west of Guatemala City. Our work there includes sending teams of employees several times a year to assist with construction projects, medical clinics and youth activities. Recent projects include the construction of a well and water filtration system to provide clean water to the approximately 90 families who call El Potrerillo home.
Our Community Impact
Care begins at home, with our employees and their families, includes the communities where we live and serve, and expands all the way to the children and families in our adopted village in Guatemala.
Employees & Their Families Cared For
Students Sponsored in Guatemala