What's the Big Idea?

Well, it is now the time of year when we think about … next year. I’ve been writing recently about the role of a business leader and what business owners should be focused on, and yet, I’m faced with the reality that I am not great at all those things.
If you're like me, you're pretty good at some of them and pretty bad at others. The question is this: Am I - and are you - willing to get better?
So here is what I am going to do. Maybe you could do a version of this yourself. And, by the way, I shamelessly stole this process from C12 and Murray Wilton, who is pictured with me here on a visit to our village in Guatemala.
Come up with your one Big Idea for 2023
Perhaps it’s an area of your professional life you want to improve. Maybe it’s a management system that needs to be implemented. For me, I am choosing a verse from scripture that I’d like to use to inform my life and leadership more clearly.
Discover what areas of life this Big Idea needs to impact
C12 has what they call a balance wheel with 8 sections: Walk with God, discipling others, marriage and family, personal finances, biblical community, fun and recreation, fitness and nutrition, and finally, rest and retreat. This step is about deciding how your big idea would affect each of those areas. Best to pick at least one but probably no more than three if you want it to be effective.
Plan granularly
You’ve got the big idea, you’ve got what areas of life you want to grow in. Now figure out what that means to your every day. Because of our management system here at Wilson Lumber, I am very accustomed to living in the 90-day world. So I’ll set 90-day goals, which will lead to daily routines. Perhaps your way is different.
The point is this:
Beginning with a Big Idea goal and working your way down to what it means in your daily life will ensure that you prioritize what is most important, and that you stay focused on it.
From me and the rest of the team here at Wilson Lumber, thank you for your business and we wish you the best in 2023.